Plant & Flower Identification

Are Freesia Perennials Or Bulbs Annuals?

Freesia is a favorite flower in many parts of the world, which can be grown from bulbs or seeds.

Growing orchids with bulbs are more popular because the plants will be healthy, the germination rate is high, and the flowering plant period is faster than the seed method

However, many still wonder about the origin of this plant: “Are Freesia perennials or bulbs annuals?”. If you also have the same question, read through the article below.

Besides, you will have exciting knowledge about the characteristics, care methods, and some common pathological problems of this plant.

Are Freesia Perennials Or Bulbs Annuals?

are freesia perennials

Freesias are delicate perennials that may survive the late winter in zones 9 to 10 and are cultivated annually in other regions.

Freesia blooms year-round but reaches peak numbers in the spring; it can be grown in pots or beds. The plant will flower 12 weeks after planting from the tuber.

In particular, a Freesia Perennial can bloom for many months because the place where they are grown has warm sunlight favorable for plant growth.

The Characteristics To Clarify “Are Freesia Perennials?”


Freesias flowers exist in several ranges of colors, which will greatly impact the messages you convey and the situations in which you may use them.

  • White Freesia: This is a symbol of purity and innocence. That may be why they are often used as wedding decorations and as part of the bride’s hand-held wedding bouquet.
  • Red Freesia: Red flowers symbolize passion and love.
  • Violet freesia: Purple symbolizes beauty and royalty. It is also a perfect gift for your special someone.
  • Pink Freesia: Pink represents femininity, love, and romance, which will be the perfect gift for the woman you like. You can also give pink flowers to girls who like lightness and sweetness.
  • Yellow Freesia: Meaning Freesia with yellow represents optimism as well as friendship. You can use this gift on graduations, birthdays, or friendship anniversaries… In particular, yellow Freesia can attract positive energies; they can help lighten your mood.


Freesia is a flower with a sweet and refreshing scent. Experts say that pink and red Freesia flowers are the two types with the most attractive scents.

The scent of Freesia can be described as a fresh spring floral scent, sweet and a bit herbal. Each Freesia species may have a different scent, but their scent generally brings a pleasant and relaxing feeling.

Plant And Bloom Length And Height

Freesia can grow from 1-2 feet. Most beloved flower spikes are about 12 to 15 inches tall; each flower is about ¾ to 1 ½ inch deep.

Are Freesia Perennials With Appropriate Care Methods

does freesia bloom all summer


This flower loves a lot of light. So, should we plant in Freesia sun or shade is more suitable? – Freesia should be kept under sunshine for at least 12 hours a day.

The most suitable place in the house to plant double flowers is the windowsill, located on the south side of the house.

But when solar activity increases, we should put the plant in a more relaxed place to avoid direct sunlight on the petals to burn the plant.

Soil And Water

For one flower, most gardeners often purchase pre-made soil combinations. The base layer’s preparation is pretty straightforward; one container needs peat, sand, and soil moisture.

As a result, the ground is improved with ash and bone meal, and the culture no longer requires calcium. It is sufficient to use the last few items sparingly.

Bright flowers respond sensitively to the quality of the water. Rinse the area twice weekly to prevent accidents when the soil is dry.

The plant could require additional watering in the winter hardy, and the plants need to be sprayed with water in the evening.

Temperature And Humidity

When planting in late spring, keep the indoor temperature at 20 degrees Celsius. If growing in winter temperatures, keep the first two weeks at the same daytime temperature as the previous crop.

It is then lowered to 10 degrees Celsius.

The plant does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations. The plant buds will be deformed if the thermometer shows below 2 degrees Celsius or above 20 degrees Celsius.

Flower stems will be slow to grow and underdeveloped.

Humidity for flower development should be moderate. Avoid high moisture, as this affects the display of flowers adversely. Dry air is also not conducive to Freesia.


When the plant grows to 4 cm, you can add a few potassium or synthetic NPK fertilizer tablets into the soil. Then, bury it 2 cm away from the tuber to enhance the nutrients for the plant.

It would be best if you watered the Freesia in the morning so the plant has time to dry out during the day.

At the same time, minimize watering at night; humidity will cause mold growth. You should only water the base of the plant and not let the leaves get wet.


Freesia will appear to decline after their active blooming period. However, the plants may be dormant rather than dead, so don’t throw them away. When the foliage turns yellow, you can cut it off.

Potting And Repotting Freesia

Freesias also thrive in pots, indoors and outdoors. Freesia root plants grow best as container specimens because of their specific growing requirements.

Choose a container with plenty of drainage holes and fill it with a well-draining potting mix. Plant the bulbs about 1 to 2 inches deep, at least an inch apart, with the pointed end facing up.

Fully water the soil type and place the container in a warm spot outside. Indoors, place the vase life in a bright, indirect light.

Keep the well-drained soil and freesia bloom time in about 12 weeks. Plant freesia corms grown indoors usually double bloom in the winter.

Pests And Some Issues

  • Black stem disease freesia: Caused by the fungus fusarium. When this is the case, you should separate the diseased plants and use a preventive medicine or dip the whole root plant in a fungicide. If the tree is larger, cut off the rotten part and spray with fungicides such as Carbenzim, Zin, Zineb 3/2000, Benlat 1/2000, and Bendazol.
  • Bacterial leaf spot disease: Caused by the fungus Cercospora. The condition usually thrives in orchid gardens with high humidity in the rainy season. Spray fungicides Carbenzim in combination with Dipamate to achieve the highest efficiency.
  • Anthracnose: Caused by the fungus Colletotrichum. The disease grows strongly in the rainy season, so it must be prevented in advance. Cut off the yellow leaves and spray with a fungicide every 5-7 days.
  • Bacterial brown rot: Caused by the bacterium Erwnia carotovora. Initially, the lesions are light brown, round, and succulent. Then it turns dark brown. The disease causes severe damage to stems, leaves, and sprouts, causing flowers to rot. You can use Kasumi to spray for prevention.


is freesia a perennial

Do Freesias Come Back Year After Year?

Yes, If cultivated in a warmer climate, Freesia flowers can come back every year.

Dig out the larger corms, which dry them, and preserve them in a warm place to transplant the following year if growing in a region with chilly winters.

Only when the florist knows how to care for flowers, Freesias Come Back Year After Year is easy.

Do Freesia Prefer Sun Or Shade?

Freesia prefers sun to shade, so you may plant freesias in either full sun or partial shade. However, chilly spring conditions are ideal for their growth.

If the temperature rises beyond 70 degrees F, they can stop flowering.

Why Are My Freesia Not Flowering?

Mice or voles may have eaten Freesia seeds before they flower. Besides, this plant is very susceptible to harm by frosts or possibly wet soil-caused bulb rot.

The two reasons mentioned above are the most common.


To sum up, you find the answer to the question: “Are Freesia perennials or bulbs annuals?”; Freesias are exactly Freesia perennials, which are late summer-blooming perennial bulbs.

This flower comes in various colors: blue, pink, red, white, yellow, cream, lavender, etc.

Freesias are stunning indoor plants, but with timely planting, they may also flourish outside in garden beds or containers.

Samuel Mark

Hello I am Samuel. Samuel's Garden is a garden blog where I share my experiences in garden caring and tree growth. Hope you enjoy it!

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