Growing Plants

Coffee Beans For Planting: Ideal Type & Guide To Plant

Home cultivation of coffee beans can turn into a delightful and fulfilling undertaking.

In today’s sharing, I share the ideal type of coffee beans for planting and easy-to-follow steps for growing, caring for, and harvesting your coffee bean plants.

Get ready to embark on a coffee-growing adventure right in the comfort of your home!

What Are The Types Of Coffee Beans For Planting?

coffee beans for planting

Arabica and Robusta are the two primary coffee beans to plant. Arabica beans are mild and flavorful, while Robusta beans are stronger and more bitter.

These beans are used to grow coffee plants and produce our coffee.

I’ll give you the lowdown on each type so you can figure out the best fit for your garden.

Arabica Coffee Beans

Arabica coffee beans – Coffea arabica, are one of the most popular choices for coffee enthusiasts. These beans are known for their mild, smooth flavor and aromatic qualities.

Arabica coffee plants thrive in moderate humidity and require indirect light to grow successfully.

They prefer well-draining, porous soil with a good humus content. The coffee plant is more sensitive to environmental conditions and is often grown at higher elevations in subtropical regions.

Arabica coffee beans have a moderate caffeine content compared to Robusta. Therefore, you can have a milder cup of coffee when choosing it to grow.

Arabica is a great choice for a high-quality coffee experience if you’re looking to plant coffee seeds.

Robusta Coffee Bean

Robusta coffee beans, or Coffea canephora, offer a different coffee experience than Arabica. These beans are known for their strong, bitter flavor and higher caffeine content.

Robusta coffee plants are hardier and more resistant to pests and diseases. Hence, it is a suitable choice for regions with less favorable conditions.

They can withstand direct sunlight and require well-drained, friable loam soil with good nitrogen content.

Robusta coffee beans are frequently employed in creating espresso blends and instant coffee due to their robust flavor profile.

If you’re looking to plant coffee seeds for a coffee plant that can withstand adverse conditions and produce a bold cup of coffee, Robusta is a solid option.

Specialty Varietals

Specialty coffee varietals encompass a wide range of unique and distinct coffee beans that cater to coffee connoisseurs seeking exceptional flavors.

These varietals often carry the names of the regions they come from, such as Ethiopian Yirgacheffe or Jamaican Blue Mountain.

Specialty coffees are known for their exquisite taste profiles, which can include floral, fruity, or even nutty notes.

To plant coffee seeds for specialty varietals, you must pay special attention to the specific growing conditions and terroir associated with each bean type.

These beans are typically grown with care and precision to ensure the highest quality coffee production.

Here is my selective list that I want to recommend for you:

  • Geisha (or Gesha)
  • Bourbon: 
  • Typica

Local Varieties

Local coffee varieties are unique to their respective regions and often hold cultural and historical significance.

They are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions. Thus, they are excellent choices for coffee enthusiasts interested in preserving regional coffee traditions.

Depending on where they originate, local varieties may have varying flavor profiles and growing requirements. Some of the famous local coffee you may want to take further consider:

  • Kona Coffee (Hawaii)
  • Sumatra Mandheling (Indonesia)
  • Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
  • Jamaican Blue Mountain
  • Colombian Coffee

To plant coffee seeds for local varieties, gardeners must understand each bean type’s specific needs and characteristics.

These beans offer a taste of the coffee heritage of their respective regions. So, if you want to explore the diversity of coffee, they are attractive choices for those looking.

How To Plant Coffee Beans? 

How To Plant Coffee Beans 

To plant coffee beans, start with fresh seeds. Plant them in damp soil and keep them moist. Then, choose a warm place with indirect sunlight to put them there.

Wait for sprouts to appear, then water regularly. Coffee plants grow slowly, so be patient. With care, your coffee beans will grow into a healthy coffee plant.

Choose Coffee Beans

Can you grow coffee beans? Yes. But you must choose the coffee beans first.

Look for quality ones that are fresh and healthy. You can find these at a local nursery or order them online. Make sure they suit your climate zone, as coffee varieties differ.

Choose the place to grow

How grow coffee beans? The first step is to choose the spot to place and grow your plant.

Coffee plants thrive in tropical climates, given their roots as tropical plants.

However, if you don’t live in such an environment, there’s no need to worry. Indoors/Greenhouses are other options.

Ensure the chosen spot receives good sunlight, as coffee plants love their sunshine.

Whether it’s a sunny windowsill or a spot in your backyard, ensure it’s a place you can easily access for care and attention.

Prepare Soil

Coffee plants appreciate well-draining, slightly acidic soil. Mix peat moss/compost into the ground. This organic matter creates the ideal soil environment.

It helps with moisture retention and maintains the right pH level.

Test the soil if you’re uncertain about its acidity; you want it to be around 6.0 pH. Good soil preparation ensures your coffee beans have a comfy home to store their roots.

Plant Beans – Planting Coffee Seeds

How to grow coffee from seed? Well, plant coffee seeds is a delicate task. Here’s how. You’ll want to plant them about an inch deep in the abovementioned soil. Then, you space them out properly.

Be gentle while planting, and make sure the seeds are secure but not tightly packed. Water them in gently to settle them in their new homes.

Then, cover them lightly with soil and pat it down gently. Now, you’ve given your coffee beans a good start.

Water Regularly

Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. In my experience, a consistent watering schedule is a deciding factor. Watering them in the morning allows the plants to soak up moisture before the day’s heat.

Pay attention to their leaves; if they start to droop, it’s a sign they need a drink. Adjust your watering accordingly; your coffee beans plant will thank you with lush growth.

Provide Shade

Coffee seeds plant like some shade with their sunshine. In their native habitat, they grow under the canopy of taller trees.

Mimic this by providing partial shade, especially during the scorching afternoon sun. You can use taller plants or shade cloth to help your coffee plants stay cool and comfortable.

Temperature & Humidity

Coffee plants prefer a warm, humid environment. Aim to keep the temperature between 60-70°F (15-24°C) and maintain humidity levels around 60-70%.

If you’re growing them indoors, a humidifier can be a great companion for your coffee plants. Avoid exposing them to drastic temperature fluctuations, as they can be sensitive to chilly drafts.


Like any growing child, coffee plants need their nutrients. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer and apply it during the growing season.

It will help your coffee plant sprout grow strong and healthy. Then, soon, they reach eagerly for the sunlight above.


Coffee bean growing is a delicate and rewarding process that requires patience and attention to detail.

It takes several years for coffee plants to mature and start producing beans.

Be patient and attentive throughout the journey; before you know it, you’ll enjoy your own homegrown coffee beans in your morning brew. It’s a labor of love, but the reward is worth the wait.

How To Harvest Coffee Beans

How To Harvest Coffee Beans

Step 1: Wait for the ripe coffee cherries to turn bright red.

Step 2: Gently pluck the cherries from the coffee tree.

Step 3: Remove the coffee beans from the cherries by hand or using a tool.

Step 4: Place the beans in a container with moist coffee sacks to ferment overnight.

Step 5: Rinse the beans with fresh water to remove any remaining pulp.

Step 6: Spread the beans on a mesh screen to dry in the sun.

Step 7: Store the dried beans in a cool, dry place. Now you have freshly harvested coffee beans ready for roasted coffee!

Common Problems When Planting Coffee Beans 

Brown Spots

Brown spots on coffee leaves are a common issue when growing coffee plants. These brown spots often indicate a problem with the health of the plant.

They can be caused by various factors, including excess water or damp sand around the roots, which can lead to root rot and, subsequently, brown spots.

Another culprit could be pests like aphids or mealybugs that feed on the leaves. They cause damage and discoloration.

Ensure your coffee plant has well-draining soil and isn’t sitting in water to prevent brown spots. Inspect the coffee leaves regularly so that if there are any signs of pests, you can address them promptly.

Healthy coffee plants with green leaves are less likely to develop brown spots.

Browning Leaves

When the leaves of your coffee plant start browning, it’s a sign of trouble. One common cause is lack of moisture; coffee plants require consistently moist soil to thrive.

Ensure you water them adequately, but avoid overwatering as it can lead to root problems.

Another reason for browning leaves could be inadequate nutrition. Add bone meal or a balanced fertilizer to the soil to provide essential nutrients.

Lastly, if you’re growing coffee from fresh seeds, ensure they are of good quality from a reliable green coffee supplier.

Healthy coffee seedlings will likely avoid browning leaves and grow into robust coffee plants.

No Blooming

The absence of blooming on your coffee plant can be disappointing. You must mimic its natural environment to encourage your coffee plant to flower and produce those coveted coffee cherries.

Coffee plants thrive at normal room temperatures and need consistent humidity. Consider using a humidifier near your plant if the humidity level is too low.

Additionally, coffee plants require ample sunlight, so an indirect sunlight spot is recommended. Or you could use artificial lighting, such as a grow light, if natural light is insufficient.

Be patient; coffee plants typically take a few years to mature and bloom. In the meantime, focus on providing them with optimal care.


Dealing with pests is a common challenge when growing coffee plants. These pesky invaders, such as aphids or mealybugs, can damage the leaves and coffee cherries.

To prevent pests, regularly inspect your coffee plant, especially the undersides of leaves, where they often hide.

If you spot any, remove them manually or use a gentle water and soap solution to wash them off.

To discourage pests, avoid over-fertilizing, as this can attract them. Some gardeners also use coffee grounds as a natural repellent.

Maintaining good plant hygiene and keeping your coffee plant healthy will help it resist these unwanted visitors.


Now, you get all the necessary information on coffee beans for planting.

Whether you opt for robusta coffees or specialty beans from South America, the key is maintaining the right balance of moisture and bright light.

With patience and dedication, you’ll soon have your source of high-quality coffee right at home. Now, go forth and cultivate your very own coffee oasis.

Whenever there is a picture of your coffee plant, please share it with me.

I am looking forward to your accomplishments.

Samuel Mark

Hello I am Samuel. Samuel's Garden is a garden blog where I share my experiences in garden caring and tree growth. Hope you enjoy it!

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