Plant & Flower Identification

The Darkest Grass Type: 8 Choices You Should Consider

If you’re looking for the darkest grass type for your dark green lawn, learn about the list of 8 typical options in this article. Each type bears unique features, requiring different care and survival conditions. 

They are also available in various sizes and shapes, so identifying the right type is not an easy feat. That’s why I’ll help you choose suitable seeds to start building your lawn with the proper care.

Now, let’s take a closer look at 8 dark green grass types to determine which is best for your lawn.

What Is Dark Grass?

darkest grass type

Dark grass is a grass type with the typical color of dark green that origins from the production of the abundant chlorophyll.

This grass type is sturdy and healthy enough to tolerate severe conditions of varied climates or terrains.

Yet, it still requires sufficient nutrition to generate chlorophyll for the best thriving.

When your lawn receives full sunlight, it will turn darker green during summer and spring, given thorough care and fertilization in these times.

What Is The Darkest Grass Type?

8 common dark grass types are Perennial Ryegrass, Zoysia Japonica, Kentucky Bluegrass, Bermuda,  St. Augustine, Buffalo, Hard Fescue, and Tall Fescue.

The darkest green grass type will improve the ideal appearance of your lawn.

Perennial Ryegrass

This is one of the dark green grass types with superior features and benefits you may consider and opt for your landscape.

Perennial ryegrass is commonly distributed in the United States. This industrious fine-leaved grass type impresses me with its good germination and fast growth.

Ryegrass is a bundled grass with a fairly shallow-rooted system. This explains that most grassroots are in the first 6 inches of soil. It’s important to test the soil first to start growing this type of grass.

There are two planting time frames for the right rooting: late summer (or early autumn) and early spring.

Also, you need to prepare a good seed bed within 6 months before the scheduled growing date to ensure that the added soil amendment is effective.

Supplements should include organic fertilizers high in nitrogen to help your ryegrass lawn thrive best.

Zoysia Japonica

Zoysia japonica is a popular Zoysia species native to Southeast Asia.

It is commonly called Zoysiagrass, a dark green thick grass contributing to a nice landscape and suitable for various conditions except for cold climates.

This grass type requires enough sunlight to create a soft, dense lawn carpet.

Regarding the benefits, Zoysia grass may tolerate different soil types. Acidic soils may be fine, but if the pH of the soil is under 6.0, lime application will be necessary.

Besides, good drainage helps Zoysia develop a deep-rooted system and increase its drought-tolerant ability. The grass will flourish with an inch of water weekly.

Thus, watering early every morning helps it dry faster and prevents fungal and other diseases. It is also a warm climate grass. Therefore, you can cultivate them in warm to hot climates over 80 °F.

Zoysia can withstand various humidity. To care for this grass type better, test growing soil before applying fertilizer to know exactly what essential nutrients your planting soil needs.

Kentucky Bluegrass

greenest grass type

Kentucky bluegrass, another dark green type, may spread through rhizomes. This grass type can not handle high heat or drought in summer and prefers places with an average temperature under 25 °F.

It’s best to grow this species in early fall, from mid-August until mid-October, or spring, from mid-March to mid-May. This will give Kentucky Bluegrass the right time to germinate and take root.

Besides, grow it with a soil temperature of 50 to 65°F and an air temperature of 60 to 75°F.

To keep its rich dark green color, this grass type requires about 4 – 6 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet about 2 – 3 times a year.

Like other grass species, it may be susceptible to diseases, weeds, and harmful insects.

Thus, apply insecticides to keep fleas, grubs, chinch bugs, ants, and other grass-eating bugs from wreaking havoc on your grass.

Because of its shallow-rooted system, Kentucky Bluegrass needs more water than cool-season grasses.

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda Grass may be a good choice as one of the darkest grass types for your lawn if your location is in the Southern States, from the Atlantic Ocean to Southern California.

Unlike other warm-season grass species, Bermuda tends to be darker in color.

This grass type grows under sunlight and water-rich soils. If Bermuda meets all its demands, it becomes a luscious dark green mat.

Thus, to care for and keep your Bermuda grass lush, water it well and freshen it in early Summer.

Also, apply a good high-nitrogen fertilizer, and test the soil pH to see if it ranges from 6 to 7. Using test kits with meters to directly test the soil without sending the soil sample to a specific lab may be easier.

In addition, slow-release fertilizers provide your lawn with nutrients continuously and slowly over several months.

Yet, if you want a quick application, use a liquid fertilizer type, and you’ll see results in only a few days.

St. Augustine Grass

St. Augustine is a common dark green grass that grows in the warm season and is native to the Southeastern United States.

Its natural range extends from South Carolina across the Gulf Coast to western Texas.

This species is a warm climate grass, less cold-hardy than Zoysia and Bermuda grass. Growing this grass type is simple, but you must follow a few steps to maintain a healthy, lush dark-green lawn.

First, remove debris, dead grass, and weeds. Next, dig up the bare-growing soil with a rake or tiller and loosen it a bit.

Then, provide the soil with the right water. Lay out the lawn, dig holes, and grow the sod pieces about 1 – 2 ft apart. Lightly water them one more time.

Keep watering to allow the soil to moisten when the grass thrives. 

Besides, adding a mulch layer, manure, or the right compost to your lawn every 6 – 8 weeks is necessary.

Buffalo Grass

Buffalo Grass may withstand extreme heat, drought, and frost in winter. Also, this is a warm-season variety, so choose it for perfecting your property when the weather becomes warmer.

It features large leaf blades, which are often dark green, giving your lawn a vibrant and lush appearance.

Its leaves comprise a central midrib, and its blades are often broad, thin, short, wavy, and pointed.

Buffalo grass tolerates most types of soil but thrives best in sandy soils. Unlike some other grass species, Buffalo develops a deep-rooted system and is more drought tolerant.

This type can survive in salty conditions and grows well in coastal environments. Also, it’s shade tolerant, requiring only 4 hours under the sunlight daily.

Thus, it’s ideal for lawn areas that don’t get much direct light to grow.

Hard Fescue

Hard dark green fescue is a cool-climate grass that prefers to grow in shaded areas. This makes it a good surface cover for hillsides and slopes.

If there’s one interesting thing I love about this hard fescue, it’s that this type needs little care or maintenance.

Overall, hard fescue grass prefers dry soil to moist soil. When it has taken root in the soil, it can be watered only after the topsoil is dry.

Also, you don’t need too much fertilizer for its growth. Most species of hard fescue grow on low-nitrogen fertilizers, but a shortage of nitrogen can cause the grass to turn yellow.

Besides, don’t worry about pests that may harm your lawn because this grass species doesn’t attract insects.

Yet, hard fescue can have diseases, such as common red threads, brown patches, and dollar spots.

These diseases are often manifested by excess moisture. So avoid overwatering to protect your lawn better.

Tall Fescue

This is also one of the darkest green grass types with the widest blades and is recognizable by its wavy surface, prominent veins, smooth underside, and rough edges.

This grass species often grows in clumps, and leaves are coarse, stiff, and pointed at the tips.

Tall fescue can be adaptable to various climates and is tolerant to heat, cold, shade, and drought. So introducing it to  your landscape is a great opportunity to improve your lawn’s resilience and durability.

The best time for planting is during the main growing season in autumn and spring.

This grass species doesn’t need much fertilization and will grow well without frequent watering, making it an eco-friendly option when water can be scarce.

That said, tall fescue doesn’t survive for a long time, but for aesthetic reasons, it is suitable for a houseplant in a container with sufficient sunlight.


best grass seed for dark green lawn

Hopefully, you can choose the darkest grass type after going over the above-mentioned 8 typical choices.

According to the detailed description of each type, you can consider their outstanding characteristics, origins, appearances, or some benefits.

Yet, all 8 grass types are dark green at different levels with the need for good planting conditions and proper maintenance.

Thus, give your lawn the best care and understanding about the grass type you aim to grow regardless of what it is.

Samuel Mark

Hello I am Samuel. Samuel's Garden is a garden blog where I share my experiences in garden caring and tree growth. Hope you enjoy it!

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