Growing Plants

Do Gerbera Daisies Come Back Every Year? How To Grow Them

Do Gerbera Daisies come back every year? Many gardeners want to introduce these flowers to their garden but just don’t like the concept of annual plants (due to too much effort).

This wonder will be unlocked through further details below.Apart from getting the right answer, you also learn how to grow a typical Gerbera Daisy plant and gain a detailed care guide.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

About The Gerbera Daisies Tree

do gerbera daisies come back every year

The Gerbera Daisy is a species of the Asteraceae family to which sunflowers also belong.

First seeing this plant, you will be amazed by its stunning flowers, which come in a variety of colors, such as light pink, white, purple, etc.

An interesting fact about the Daisies is that it does not come from nature purely. In other words, it is a human-made product thanks to the hybridization techniques.

The optimal season for its growth is spring and late winter months, when the temperatures are not very low. Danger of frost and drought can jeopardize this plant’s health greatly.

As regards the blooms, the Gerbera flower heads have a petal that displays a ray-like shape. Its flowers are sorted into four categories, namely the semi-double, single, double and spider types.

Each class is different given the petals’ number, position and attached seeds alongside.

So is Gerbera Daisy annual or perennial? Let’s figure out the answer in the following section.

Do Gerbera Daisies Come Back Every Year?

Some Daisy plants are perennial plants and will come back each year in tropical areas, like the USDA growing zones 9-11. But it zones 6-8, they are annual plants that will die when the first frost hits.

So it depends on the area’s climates where it grows.

In the first case, they produce perennial flowers and then seed many times, which come up the same roots many times before dying back, so they will flower again in subsequent years.

I’m living in Southern California, which is zone 10, so I can enjoy these gorgeous blooms every year without starting a new crop.

Yet, in lower zones 6 to 8, most Gerbera Daisies’ life cycle will be completed within a year, and they are less susceptible to the frost and sudden temperatures’ drop.

With this condition, they will not come back every year, and you have to start from scratch to cultivate them again.

How To Grow Gerbera Daisies From Seed?

gerbera daisy come back every year

Below are straightforward guidelines, helping you accomplish the process of cultivating a Daisy plant.

Choose The Soil

If you want your Gerbera Daisies to flourish well, stop planting it in the ground, it needs excellent drainage.

Many bad-quality types, like sandy soil or clay soil, are not an ideal environment for its growth.

The soil that stays soaked for a long time is not a good facilitator for the seedling’s development, and you might see it making the crown rot and croak before your eyes.

Suppose you are unable to find the suitable soil; it is advisable to grow its seed in a small pot first. Remember to add soil, along with some peat and compost to heighten its quality.

Select A Proper Timing

Gerbera Daisies can bloom at any time of the year except for a freezing period.

As mentioned earlier, spring and late water are perfect times for their growth, so you should plant them during this time with a hope of getting the best result.

The Step-By-Step Process

  • Step 1: Get a suitable seed of the Gerbera Daisy plant you are looking for.
  • Step 2: Find a small pot, or you could grow it outdoors. Take close notice of the weather because the Daisies cannot tolerate low temperatures and frost. The safest method is planting it in a container.
  • Step 3: Prepare a potting soil. A propagation mix is recommended to encourage germination. Mulch is also added to prevent the invasion of weeds.
  • Step 4: Press the seeds on top of a well-drained soil. Avoid burying them too deep, as they need light to germinate.
  • Step 5: After two or four weeks, you can start planting them outdoors. Get rid of all rocks to ensure a smooth surface.
  • Step 6: Create a straight line by using a taut string and sow them separately. The distance should be between 12 and 18 inches with their crowns slightly above the soil surface.
  • Step 7: Water them frequently and wait for the first sprouts. Good luck!

What Is The Best Gerbera Daisies Plant Care Guide?

Here are simple caring tips for you to consider.


For the best blooms, six hours of sunlight are needed. Morning sun is an ideal facilitator for the plant’s growth, but in the noon, excess heat can backfire.

You should take some measurements, like partial shade, to protect a seedling during this time.


Gerbera Daisies require regular watering, and I always supply them with about an inch per week.

Don’t water it too much; the soil takes time to drain. Given dry and hot spells, you are advised to increase the frequency of watering.


Always keep an eye on the soil moisture and humidity level, particularly to the Daisies living in the tropical climate. If the weather turns too cold, it should be brought indoors or sheltered carefully.


The soil’s quality determines a fertilizer amount. The water-soluble kind is recommended thanks to its lower toxicity level of components.

I usually feed my plant monthly with a moderate amount; you’ll never want to over-fertilize it.


Pruning extends the blooming period. The Daisies have many wilting petals, older fading leaves, along with dead flower heads after blooming.

Therefore, pruning is a perfect method to get rid of them, help the plants develop new seeds and keep them tidy.

Potting And Repotting

Gerberas should not be repotted annually. You should repot it every one or two years before the growth period. This process is just like when you repot a palm tree.

Take a seedling out of a pot and brush excess soil away, snip faded roots before placing it back on top of the soil level.


Suppose you are living in a cold climate; cut your entire plant about one inch tall to prepare for the upcoming frost. Covering it with a thick layer of mulch is advisable as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

are gerber daisies perennial

What Are Common Problems With Gerbera Daisies?

Gerbera Daisies are vulnerable to diseases caused by fungi. Among them, the most serious ailment is velvety coating, stemming from a gray mold or powdery mildew.

You should pay close attention to its symptoms, such as tan petal’s spots or brown marks on the green leaves’ surface, etc.

If left unchecked, the plant’s lower stems are prone to death, and the gray growth will spread over its body.

The only remedy to this issue is cutting off all infected parts of the tree and spraying a good-quality fungicide to avert its development.

Leaf yellowing (Chlorosis) is also a nagging concern induced by the shortage of iron in the liquid fertilizer or soil.

This has repercussions for your seedling’s capacity for absorbing nutrients and flower production.

Eventual is the problem of crown or root rot, rendering true leaves and stems to wilt. Over time, it will die due to a lack of copper and rotten root system.

If your plant catches the same disease, avoid over-watering at all costs, as this act could increase the ailment’s severity.

Can Gerbera Daisies Be Grown Indoors?


You could totally grow the Gerbera Daisies indoors, but ensure that you provide it with sufficient growth factors, including light, humidity, etc.

Planting indoors with the help of a grow light lowers the frost danger and its related damage as well.

The Bottom Line

Do Gerbera Daisies come back every year? Yes and no, depending on where you live, but you can prolong its flowering season with my guide.

The task of growing a Daisies tree is not as difficult as you imagined, right? Let’s knuckle down on the procedure, and hope all your efforts will bear fruit.

Thank you for your genuine support, and have a nice day!

Samuel Mark

Hello I am Samuel. Samuel's Garden is a garden blog where I share my experiences in garden caring and tree growth. Hope you enjoy it!

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