Plant & Flower Identification

Fruit Tree With Pink Flowers – 16 Beautiful Trees To Know

In the world of gardening and landscaping, few sights are as breathtaking as a fruit tree with pink flowers.

The vivid hues, ranging from soft pastels to vibrant pinks, add a touch of elegance to any outdoor space.

These enchanting trees grace our gardens with their beauty and offer the bountiful gift of delicious fruits once they mature.

In this blog article, I embark on a delightful journey into 16 fruit trees with pink blossoms. I will uncover the allure of these enchanting trees.

The article will also delve into the considerations necessary to grow and nurture them in your backyard successfully.

Fruit Tree With Pink Flowers: Top 16 Choices

fruit tree with pink flowers

There are many trees with beautiful pink blooms. They include Crape Myrtle, American Beautyberry, Dogwood, Eastern Redbud, Quince, etc. This section will disclose 16 tree types.

Crape Myrtle

What kind of tree has pink flowers? Crape Myrtle is a deciduous tree or large shrub native to Asia. It features smooth, mottled bark that exfoliates to reveal a beautiful cinnamon-colored trunk.

The leaves are dark green and have an elongated oval shape.

The most notable feature of the Crape Myrtle is its showy clusters of flowers that bloom in summer and continue into early fall.

The flowers come in a wide range of colors, including shades of pink, red, white, and lavender.

The trees typically have a multi-stemmed growth habit and can reach heights ranging from dwarf varieties at 2-4 feet to larger trees up to 30 feet tall. They thrive in warm climates and require full sun and well-drained soil.

American Beautyberry 

American Beautyberry is native to the southeastern United States, including regions such as Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and parts of Texas.

It is also found in some areas of Mexico and the Caribbean.

This is a unique fruit-bearing shrub. People know it for its clusters of vibrant pinkish-purple berries.

This deciduous shrub typically grows 3-6 feet tall and wide, featuring long, arching branches and dark green elliptical leaves with serrated edges.

While the flowers are small and pale pink, the berries attract attention and serve as a valuable food source for wildlife, particularly birds and small mammals.

Barbados Cherry Tree 

The Barbados Cherry Tree (Malpighia emarginata) is a fruit tree with pink blossoms renowned for its small, cherry-like fruits.

Native to the Caribbean, particularly Barbados, this evergreen tree typically grows to 10 to 15 feet. It features glossy dark green leaves and a dense, rounded canopy.

Throughout the year, but particularly in warmer months, the tree blooms with lovely pink flowers that vibrate any garden or landscape.

The fruits are often used in culinary applications such as jams, jellies, juices, and desserts.


Dogwood trees are native to various regions across the Northern Hemisphere, including North America, Europe, and Asia. This type of tree belongs to the Cornus genus.

They are primarily grown for their ornamental value rather than fruit production, especially in the flowering season or in the fall with red foliage carpet.

Flowering dogwoods display their vibrant pink or white flowers in early spring, creating a breathtaking display.

Kousa dogwoods, on the other hand, bloom a bit later in late spring or early summer, showcasing creamy white or pink flowers.

While dogwood trees may produce small fruits called drupes, they are not typically consumed by humans and are instead valued as a food source for wildlife.

Eastern Redbud

The Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree native to eastern North America.

These pink tree buds are highly regarded for their stunning pink or purplish-pink color that emerge in early spring, often before the leaves appear.

The flowers cover the branches and trunk, creating a captivating display of color.

While the Eastern Redbud is primarily grown for its ornamental value, it does produce small, flattened, pod-like fruits that develop in late spring or early summer.

In addition to its beautiful flowers and occasional fruiting, the Eastern Redbud features heart-shaped leaves that turn yellow in the fall, adding further visual interest.

Crabapple Trees

tree pink blossoms

Crabapple trees (Malus spp.) are fruit trees that are esteemed for their striking pink flowers and attractive fruits.

These deciduous trees, closely related to apple trees, display blossoms in various shades of pink during the spring.

Crabapple trees produce small, round fruits called crabapples.

These fruits vary in color, ranging from yellow to red, and can add ornamental value to the pink blossoming tree throughout the fall and winter months.

While some crabapple varieties are suitable for fresh eating, many possess a tart or sour flavor and are often used for cooking, making preserves, or as decorative elements.

Their pink flowers enhance the tree’s visual appeal and attract beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Peach Trees

What tree has pink blossoms?  You can consider peach trees (Prunus persica) deciduous fruit trees. They are native to China but are now widely cultivated worldwide for their juicy and flavorful fruits.

In addition to their tasty harvest, peach trees showcase showy pink flowers that bloom in early spring, usually before the leaves emerge.

The flowers are often single or double, and their pink hues create a stunning display in orchards and gardens.

Once the flowers have been pollinated, the tree’s fruits start to develop, growing into fuzzy-skinned peaches in various colors, including shades of yellow, orange, and red.

These pink flowered trees are renowned for their sweet and aromatic flesh, making them a highly sought-after fruit for eating fresh, baking, or preserving.


What are the trees with pink blossoms? Quince (Cydonia oblonga) is another answer, known for its striking pink flowers and blooming in late spring to early summer.

They originated in the Caucasus region of Eurasia, which includes parts of modern-day Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

It has been cultivated for centuries in this region and subsequently spread to other parts of Europe, the Mediterranean, and beyond.

The tree pink blossoms are typically solitary or clustered and add a beautiful dash of pink to the landscape.

Quince fruits are hard and pear-shaped, with a yellowish-green skin that can sometimes have a slight blush of pink.

They are highly fragrant and have a tart, acidic taste when raw. However, quince fruits transform into a delightful, aromatic treat when cooked.

They are often used for making preserves, jellies, jams, and desserts.

Star Magnolias

Star magnolias (Magnolia stellata) are native to Japan. People found them primarily in Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku regions.

These pink flowering fruit trees are attractive with their captivating star-shaped flowers, which are typically pale pink but can also be white.

Their flowers emerge before the leaves, creating a breathtaking display against the tree’s bare branches.

Each flower consists of multiple narrow petals, giving it a star-like appearance. The blossoms exude a delicate fragrance.

While Star magnolias are primarily grown for their ornamental value, they may produce small, cone-shaped fruiting structures after the flowers fade.

Purple-leaf Plum

The Purple-leaf Plum (Prunus cerasifera) is native to Central and Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is believed to have originated in areas including Iran, Armenia, and the Caucasus region.

This deciduous tree that has pink flowers features deep purple or burgundy-colored leaves. They provide a striking contrast in the landscape.

In spring, the tree bursts into bloom with abundant clusters of fragrant pink flowers. These blossoms entirely cover the branches, creating a captivating display.

The flowers are a beautiful backdrop to the dark foliage, resulting in a visually stunning tree. 

Japanese Apricot Trees

Japanese Apricot Trees (Prunus mume) are small deciduous fruit trees highly valued for their early blooming and beautiful flowers.

They are native to China but have been cultivated in Japan for centuries, where they hold cultural and symbolic significance.

Japanese Apricot Trees typically bloom in late winter to early spring. Before the leaves appear, it covers the branches with delicate, fragrant flowers in shades of pink, white, or red.

The pink flowers are treasured for their ornamental value and are often used in traditional Japanese art, poetry, and festivals.

This tree also produces small, round fruits called ume. Japanese cuisine uses these fruits to make traditional dishes, such as pickles, sauces, and liqueurs.

Royal Poinciana Tree

The Royal Poinciana tree (Delonix regia), also known as Flamboyant tree, is a magnificent and iconic tropical tree celebrated for its dazzling display of fiery-red or orange flowers.

Native to Madagascar, this deciduous tree has been widely cultivated in various tropical and subtropical regions worldwide for its ornamental value.

The Royal Poinciana tree features a broad, spreading crown with fern-like, feathery foliage.

Their blooming season is typically in late spring to early summer. The pink flowers are large and showy. They can form dense clusters at the ends of their branches.

Apart from its aesthetic appeal, the Royal Poinciana tree is a valuable nectar source for pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Mimosa Tree

The Mimosa tree is scientifically known as Albizia julibrissin. It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree admired for its delicate, fern-like leaves and attractive pink, fluffy flowers.

Coming from the southwestern and eastern Asia, the Mimosa tree has been introduced to many parts of the world as an ornamental tree due to its beautiful and graceful appearance.

Their stunning clusters of pink, powder-puff-like flowers are visually striking and emit a pleasant fragrance. The leaves of the Mimosa tree close up during the night.

This unique feature has contributed to the tree’s appeal and popularity in gardens and landscapes.

However, the tree can be considered invasive in some regions, so it’s essential to check its suitability and potential impact on the local environment before planting.

Krauter Vesuvius Cherry Plum

Cherry Plum ‘Krauter Vesuvius’ (Prunus cerasifera ‘Krauter Vesuvius’) is a medium-sized deciduous tree.This type of tree is from southwestern Asia and southeastern Europe.

In early spring, the Cherry Plum bursts into bloom with profuse clusters of fragrant pink flowers. The flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, contributing to the garden’s biodiversity.

As the pink flowers fade, the tree’s dark purple leaves take center stage, creating a rich, purple canopy throughout the growing season.

The ‘Krauter Vesuvius’ Cherry Plum can also produce small, cherry-like fruits that are sweet and tart, suitable for fresh eating or culinary uses.

This ornamental tree’s combination of stunning pink flowers, vibrant foliage, and edible fruits makes it a popular choice for adding color and interest to various outdoor spaces.

Empire Apple

The Empire Apple tree (Malus domestica ‘Empire’) was developed by Cornell University’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in the 1940s through a cross between the McIntosh and Red Delicious apple varieties.

The result is a sweet-tart apple with a crisp texture, making it ideal for fresh eating, salads, baking, and cooking. The Empire Apple tree is known for its relatively compact size and vigorous growth.

It also produces beautiful and fragrant pink blossoms in the spring.

The flowers are usually composed of five delicate petals and have a slightly pink hue at the bud stage, but they open up to reveal pure white petals when fully in bloom.

Starfruit Tree

The Starfruit is a tropical fruit tree. It originates from Southeast Asia and is widely cultivated worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions.

The Starfruit tree features glossy, green pinnate leaves and small lilac-to-pink flowers that appear in clusters.

The star-shaped fruit is usually yellow or light green when ripe and has a crisp, juicy, and slightly tangy flavor.

The entire fruit, including its thin skin, can be eaten, and it is commonly used in salads, fruit platters, juices, and desserts.

Starfruit trees are relatively small and can be grown in containers, making them suitable for home gardeners in tropical and subtropical climates.

Considerations For Growing Fruit Tree That Has Pink Flowers

pink flowering fruit trees

Climate and Hardiness Zones

Different fruit tree varieties have specific temperature and climate requirements for optimal growth and flowering.

Ensure the fruit tree suits your region’s climate and falls within the appropriate hardiness zone.

Especially with plants with pink flowers, you should take care of this factor more carefully to ensure the time and quality of the blossoms.

Soil and Sunlight Requirements

Fruit trees generally thrive in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Conduct a soil test to assess its pH level and nutrient content, and amend the soil as needed.

Additionally, fruit trees typically require full sun exposure for optimal growth and flowering. Choose a planting location that receives at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily.

Pruning and Training

Regular pruning is essential for maintaining the health and shape of fruit trees.

Learn the proper techniques for pruning fruit trees to encourage strong growth, maximize flower production, and promote fruiting.

Pruning also helps in managing the size of the tree and improving airflow, which can reduce the risk of diseases.

Watering and Fertilization

Adequate and consistent watering is crucial during the growing season, especially during drought. Provide enough water to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.

Fruit trees benefit from regular fertilization with balanced, slow-release fertilizers that provide essential nutrients.Follow the recommended fertilization schedule for your specific fruit tree species.

Sometimes, I also give my fruit trees some chicken manure.

Pest and Disease Management

Fruit trees are susceptible to various pests and diseases, impacting their health and flower production. Stay vigilant for common pests such as aphids, mites, and fruit flies, and take appropriate measures for control.

Likewise, familiarize yourself with common diseases like fungal infections and implement preventive measures.

Depending on the situation, it can be proper sanitation, pruning practices, and organic or chemical treatments.

Harvest and Maintenance

Learn about the appropriate time to harvest fruits from your specific fruit tree and ensure you follow proper harvesting techniques.

Regularly inspect your fruit tree for signs of damage, disease, or pest infestations. You should perform the necessary maintenance tasks.

They include mulching, watering, and protecting trees during extreme weather conditions.


In conclusion, a fruit tree with pink flowers is nature’s breathtaking art and offers the joy of bountiful harvests.

While some fruit trees may bear edible fruits, others are primarily grown for their ornamental value, showcasing a symphony of pink tree blossoms that captivate the senses.

By providing optimal conditions, these trees can thrive and reward us with their stunning blooms and delicious fruits to savor. The visual spectacle of pink flowers against lush green foliage is a feast for the eyes.

Samuel Mark

Hello I am Samuel. Samuel's Garden is a garden blog where I share my experiences in garden caring and tree growth. Hope you enjoy it!

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