Plant & Flower Identification

Is Corn A Dicot Or Monocot? How To Plant & Harvest Them?

Corn plays a role as a vital crop in our lives. The botanical classification of corn has long been a subject of curiosity, prompting an age-old question: Is corn a dicot or monocot?

Understanding this fundamental aspect of corn’s biology is key to appreciating its place in the plant world.

In this article, I’ll dive into the distinctive characteristics (embryonic structure, leaf venation, and other botanical traits) that position corn in the monocot category.

You’ll get to know some notes in the planting and harvesting session. Finally, let’s broaden your plant horizon by presenting the 5 most common monocot crops.

Is Corn A Dicot Or Monocot ?

is corn a dicot or monocot

Corn, also known as Zea mays, is classified as a monocot with only one cotyledon. Monocots and dicots are the two main groups of angiosperms (flowering plants), and they differ in several fundamental ways.

Corn seeds have only one cotyledon (seed leaf) coupled with a parallel venation on the leaves and a fibrous root system, featuring them in the monocot category.

Moreover, when corn plants sprout, their leaves emerge one at a time.

About Cotyledon In Corn

Is corn monocot or dicot? Corn seeds, like those of many other plant species, possess cotyledons, which are crucial structures during the early stages of germination and seedling development.

These cotyledons define whether a plant is monocot or dicot. In the case of corn, they are monocots, proven by a single cotyledon corn, in contrast to dicots with two.

The corn cotyledon is essentially the seed’s “seed leaf.” The single cotyledon contains the stored energy and nutrients needed to kickstart the growth process in corn.

During germination, the corn monocot seed absorbs water, activating the enzymes responsible for breaking down stored starches and proteins in the cotyledon.

These nutrients are then transported to the developing embryo, allowing it to push its way through the soil and emerge as a seedling.

As the corn seedling grows, the cotyledon gradually scorches and is eventually absorbed by the emerging plant.

At this point, the corn plant’s true leave takes over photosynthesis and nutrient production.

These true leaves are distinct from the cotyledon, which can be wider and thicker in appearance.

Briefly, the cotyledon of corn is the key in the initial stages of germination and seedling growth.

It provides essential nutrients and energy to the emerging plant until it can sustain itself through photosynthesis.

It serves as a critical bridge between the dormant seed and the thriving corn plant.

When to Plant Corn

When to Plant Corn

Is corn a monocot or dicot? Now you’ve got the answer. Let’s roll up your sleeves and start a corn crop! 

Timing is one of the decisive factors to gain a successful crop. Timing varies depending on your location and climate, but my general guidelines can help you determine when to plant corn.

Soil Temperature

Corn is a warm-season crop, so soil temperature is a crucial factor. The soil temperature should ideally be at least 50 Degrees Fahrenheit (~10 Degrees Celsius) or higher.

You can use a soil thermometer to measure the temperature at a depth of 2-4 inches (5-10 cm). Planting when the soil is too cold can easily lead to poor germination.

Frost Risk

Corn is sensitive to frost, so it’s important to plant after your area’s last expected frost date. For this climate issue, you can consult local gardening resources to determine your region’s upcoming frost date.

Growing Degree Days

Some corn varieties require a certain number of growing degree days to mature. Check the seed packet or ask local experts to identify the suitable corn variety for your area.

Please opt for an early-maturing corn variety for those residing in a shorter growing season region. This selection ensures that your corn reaches full maturity well before the initial autumn frost.

You could consider having a black plastic cover to help raise the soil temperature.

You can then conveniently sow your corn seeds by making holes in the plastic, promoting efficient and controlled germination.

How to Plant Corn

Once you’ve determined the right time to plant corn and prepared for the best quality of corn seeds by soaking, it’s essential to follow proper planting techniques for a successful crop

Soil Preparation

Please prepare the soil by removing weeds and debris. You can mix organic matter (compost, well-rotted manure) to improve soil fertility and structure.

Corn prefers a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH (around 6.0-7.0)

Seed Spacing

Sow monocot corn seeds in rows with a spacing of 9-12 inches (23-30cm) between seeds). Leave about 30-36 inches (76-91 cm) between rows.

This way, you can make changes for proper growth and access to maintenance.

Planting Depth

Plant corn seeds at a depth of 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.8 cm). Planting too shallow can lead to poor root development, while growing too deep may delay germination.


Corn strongly absorbs nutrients, so apply a balanced fertilizer based on soil surface test results or general recommendations. Side-dress with additional nitrogen when the plants are around knee-high.


Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the germination and early growth stages. Corn requires about 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.8 cm) of water per week from rainfall or irrigation.


Applying a layer of mulch around the base of the corn plant can prevent moisture loss in soil, hinder weeds’ growth, and balance the soil temperature.

How To Harvest Corn

How To Harvest Corn

Corn is typically ready for harvest when the kernels are plump, fully formed, and filled with milky fluid. You can pierce a kernel with your thumbnail, called a thumbnail test.

If the fluid is milky, it’s ready to harvest. Additionally, you can check the ears for a healthy green color and well-filled cobs.

Before the process, you may need a sharp knife or shears to cut.

From there, you grasp the ear firmly and use a downward motion to snap it off the corn stalk. Or else, you can cut the ear from the branch with a sharp knife or shears.

Be careful not to damage the stem or neighboring ears. Examine each ear as you harvest it and discard those with insect damage or signs of disease.

Place the harvested ears in your container or basket, taking care not to stack them too high. Corn is best when consumed fresh.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to use or store as soon as possible after harvesting to retain its flavors and sweetness.

If you do not consume them right away, you can store them in a cool, dry place or refrigerate them to maintain freshness. Corn can also be blanched and frozen for longer-term storage.

After harvesting, please remove the remaining corn plants from the garden to prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

What Are Other Examples Of Monocots?


Rice is a fundamental cereal crop that serves as a dietary staple for billions of people, typically in Asia. It’s a versatile crop that grows in a variety of environments, from flooded paddies to upland fields.

Rice provides a significant portion of the world’s carbohydrates and is a primary source of sustenance. Different varieties, such as long, medium, and short grain, offer various culinary uses.


Is wheat monocot or dicot? It is another example of monocots that are globally present. Common wheat is used to make a wide range of products, including bread, pasta, and pastries.

Another type called Durum wheat is known for its use in making pasta. This versatile crop is a vital source of carbohydrates and protein for various diets.


Maize can be referred to as corn. Besides its significance in the human diet, it plays a substantial role in livestock feed and industrial applications (bioethanol production).

Maize exhibits remarkable adaptability, thriving in diverse climates and soil types. It stands as one of the most widely grown cereal crops worldwide.


Barley builds a strong reputation in the beverage industry, brewing beer and whiskey. It also doubles as a valuable livestock feed.

Barley’s ability to grow in challenging conditions like cold and saline soils makes it a perfect alternative for farmers in these low-temperature regions.


Sorghum is an important monocotyledon crop, particularly in regions with arid and semiarid climates.

Its drought tolerance and adaptability to adverse growing conditions make it stand out as a valuable food source in areas with limited water resources.

 Sorghum has diverse uses in the food supply, including human consumption, livestock feed, and as a source of biofuel.

What Are The Differences Between Monocot and Dicot Crops?

What Are The Differences Between Monocot and Dicot Crops

Number Of Cotyledon In Embryos

The fundamental differences lie in the number of cotyledons, the seed leaves in the embryo. Monocots have a single cotyledon, while dicots possess two cotyledons.

Root System

Monocots typically have a fibrous root system characterized by numerous thin roots that branch out in various directions. Dicots, by contrast, have a tap root system, with a primary root that extends deeply into the soil.

Leaf Structure

Monocots often have long, slender leaves engraved by parallel veins. Meanwhile, dicots tend to have broader leaves with a network of branching veins.

Vascular Bundles

Vascular bundles – the arrangements of the xylem and phloem tissues within the stem vary between monocots and dicots.

Vascular bundles are scattered throughout the branch in monocots, while those in dicots are arranged in a circle.

Floral Parts

Differences in floral parts are prominent when comparing monocot and dicot plants. Monocots’ floral pieces commonly have 3 petals or sepals, while dicots’ have floral parts in multiples of 4-5 petals or sepals.


Is corn a dicot or monocot? The answer, of course, is that corn belongs to the monocot category, characterized by its single cotyledon and other distinct botanical features.

These disparities between monocots and dicots underscore the rich diversity of the plant world.

I hope this guide helps  you understand the plant classification, growth, and cultivation techniques in agriculture.

Samuel Mark

Hello I am Samuel. Samuel's Garden is a garden blog where I share my experiences in garden caring and tree growth. Hope you enjoy it!

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